Thursday, February 28, 2013

Put an End to Spoiled, Wasted Food with This Handy Chart

Put an End to Spoiled, Wasted Food with This Handy Chart:
The costs of wasted food go far beyond the money you may have wasted buying something and letting it spoil. We've talked about ways to stop wasting food before, but if all you really need to know is "How long will this stay fresh and how should I store it," this helpful chart will help. More »

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

25 Amazing Papercut Artists

25 Amazing Papercut Artists:

Today Design*Sponge is almost entirely devoted to paper crafts. Coming up, we’ve got two interviews with artists who specialize in the classic paper techniques of marbling and paper cutting, as well as two paper-based DIY projects, a roundup of marbled design goods and an in-depth look at the history of marbling. To kick things off, I thought I’d share 25 of my favorite artists who create incredible cut paper designs. I narrowed this list to 25, but my full Pinterest research board (I love using those secret boards for my initial research) of 40+ papercut designs is right here if you need a little more inspiration. xo, grace
Image above by Elsa Mora
Yuko Yamamoto
Elsa Mora (Etsy shop here)

Yuko Yamamato
Screen Shot 2013-02-26 at 3.33.47 PM

More papercut designs after the jump . . .

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Paris, Line by Line

Paris, Line by Line:

We’re ending the day with a grand Paris-themed dinner party, so it seemed only fitting to start off with something Parisian, as well. Some of you may be familiar with the illustrator Robinson’s work. Born Werner Kruse, Robinson became well known for his beautifully detailed line drawings of cities and his X-ray-like manner of drawing building interiors. Although today’s illustrators owe a great debt to this line-drawing trailblazer, Robinson’s numerous illustrated city guides have been out of print for some time. With the re-release of his 1967 book New York, Line by Line (Universe, 2009), an entirely new generation was able to experience this illustrator’s magical work.
Following the success of New York, Line by Line, Universe will reissue another fabulous volume of Robinson’s work: Paris, Line by Line. Following the style of its predecessor, Paris, Line by Line is filled, not with words, but with wildly intricate drawings of Paris from practically every angle. Within its large-scale pages are images of modern flâneurs taking in the Rue de Rivoli, artists replicating Cézannes at the Louvre and tourists dining atop the Eiffel Tower. Through Robinson’s dazzling line work, The City of Light comes to life.
Paris, Line by Line will be released on March 19, 2013. Continue reading after the jump to see more photos! — Max
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Friday, February 15, 2013

The Best Time Saving Laundry Gadgets You're Not Using

The Best Time Saving Laundry Gadgets You're Not Using:
My favorite part of laundry day is when it's over, so I'm always looking for ways to make doing the wash a little less of a chore. Here are little five gadgets that help me pick up the pace in the laundry room. More